1988 ASEA QCF 400 fluid cell press

1988 ASEA QCF 400 fluid cell press

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Used ASEA QCF400-1000 Fluid Cell Press

Model:                             QCF 400

Max Forming Pressure:  1000 Bar / 14500 PSI    

Two (2) press trays 

Tray size:                        1.08 M x 2.77 M / 42.5" x 109.1"

Tray Depth:                     255 mm / 10"

Press cycle time:            85 seconds (empty tray)                      

Press cycles to-date:        501,008                                                   

Press dimensions:            600” x 85” (50’ x 7.5’) (excluding hydraulic room) 

Hydraulic room:                25’ x 20’ approx.

Foundation :                     Will advise  - shallow 150” x 85” pit  to accommodate press frame

 Features: Pre-stressed, wire-wound press frame construction.

Press wear pad automatic roll-up system

Safety interlocks

Manuals for maintenance, operation & tooling.

Spare parts including two (2) unused 1000 bar Oilgear pumps

Complete OEM maintenance history

Can be inspected under power at U.S. aerospace manufacturer. 


ModelQCF 400 fluid cell press